Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Tugas 8 (softskill b.inggris)
Soal :
a. Adakah pengaruh suku kata dalam pembentukan superlative?
b. Jelaskan alasannya dan berikan contohnya
Jawaban :
1. The formation of a syllable in the floor (superlative degree) have an influence that would create an added stipulation that has a big advantage compared to most others.
2. Because the floor (superlative degree) have the greatest comparison of the sentences being compared in the comparator with a sense of things than have a very distinct advantage in what has been compared.
Suppose there are several examples of superlative degree, namely:
1. Fauzi is the youngest person in his family.
2. I am the cleperest student in school.
3. This is The Most expensive car Azizuzanadi other

b.    because of the superlative degree compares to an object that has an advantage compared very different from what has been compared.
For example:
1. Fauzi is the youngest person in his family.
2. I am the cleperest student in school.
3. This car is the most expensive among other.

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